Bit of Ivory

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Worx was. . .

August 2nd, 2003 · No Comments

rather productive, actually. Although not necessarily for the company. :)

I got a plot for the SQ contest!

It’s darn good, too. And I have 3 handwritten pages done. I’m afraid to type it up, ’cause I still have a ways to go and I’m sure it’s going to be over the 1,000 word limit.

It’s a crossover fic, too. In a way. Kinda.

Ooh, more questions! Thanx Chicagoamy!

1. No limit in regard to money or time, where do you go and what do you do?

I’d go and visit all the places I’ve read about in books. I’d go to France, to England, to P.E.I., etc. And I’d make sure to stop at every city that has someone I’ve met online in it, and spend a goodly amount of time hobnobbing with my fellow wizards. :)

2. Has a book ever made you cry (and by cry I mean more than just tear up, but full out cry) and if so, which one(s)?

Oh, too many to count. I absolutey *bawled* at Mistress Pat by L.M. Montgomery (even though it has a happy ending), and I cried rather hard after finishing OotP, though my reaction was a bit delayed on that one. I think the book that made me cry most, though, was volume 6 of The Work and the Glory, which is an LDS historical novel based on the early history of the Mormon church. Its title is Praise to the Man, and it’s the one where the martyrdom of Joseph Smith takes place. Over the course of the previous books I’d gained an even greater appreciation of who Joseph was as a man, and not just as a prophet. I knew it was coming (of course), but I still bawled. What a tragic loss– he was killed at only 38 years of age, which is seeming younger and younger to me as I get older. I cried a lot in that series, actually. Whenever people died it was a real wrench. 9 books worth of association will do that to a person.

I’ve also had similar emotional reactions to scripture, and to certain other church books.

3. If you could live out a fairy tale, which one would you want it be and who would you play?

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale, but I was never able to think myself into the role of Beauty herself. I’m just not very good looking. Until I read Robin McKinley’s Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast, where not only the Beast but Beauty herself discovers that she’s beautiful. So it would be Robin McKinley’s version of Beauty and the Beast that I’d like to live.

4. Stealing one of Seviet’s question, because it rocks…. if you could produce a Patronus, which happy memory would you use and which form would it assume?

Hmm. I’d have to say that one of my happiest memories is when my brother came home from his mission after 2 years in Hungary, with only letters and 4 phone calls to keep in touch with him. As for what form it would assume. . . I really have no idea. A book, perhaps. :) Or the form of Jane Austen.

5. And stealing one that I asked Seviet …what caused you initially to pick up a Harry Potter book and read it, and did you expect to love it as much as you do?

I was working in an LDS bookstore and was being asked questions about the appropriateness of HP, so I decided that the best way to find out if they were appropriate or not was to read them. They certainly took me by surprise, and I never, ever would have guessed that three years later I would have become as obsessed as I am, or that my life would have changed the way it has. I certainly have done a lot of things and met a lot of people that, without HP, I would never have done or met. I count it one of the luckiest days of my life that I picked up that book and started to read.

You’ll have to give me a bit on your questions. :)

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