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More questions. . .

August 2nd, 2003 · No Comments

This is fun! Thanks, q_sama!

1. Do you want to see Snape “redeemed”? Why or why not?

Ooh, tough question. Well, considering that RJA’s Darkness and Light is one of my favorite fanfics of all time, I’m not adverse to the redeemed Snape idea. I’m just not sure that, given what we have in canon and JKR’s statements, that it will be possible. I *do* believe that, in canon, Snape is not all he seems, and that he will do something not only heroic but noble in battling the dark, possibly saving Harry’s life once again. I’m not convinced that this act will lead to his death, like many people are. However, while I believe that Snape has his good side, and his own brand of integrity, I do not believe that Snape will ever become a “nice” man, or that he and Harry will ever be more than uneasy colleauges. I also don’t see Snape as being all that great of a teacher– unless he learns to treat his students with more respect, and to encourage rather than belittle them, I can’t see him become headmaster.

2. How do you feel about the religion vs. HP debate? Does it anger you when people assume anti-HP people are Christians?

Funny you should ask this question. :) The other panel I presented on at Nimbus was on this very topic. I really believe that those who object to Harry Potter for religious reasons are misguided; however, I can’t disagree with the idea that there are some things that are evil and should be avoided. I myself carefully censor what I read (personally– I don’t try and get books, etc., removed from shelves), what movies I see, etc., and I know that I will be careful what I allow my children to be exposed to. I get upset, however, when the HP books are dismissed by Christians without any effort being made to find out what is really in them.

I don’t get angry, per se, at the assumption that anti-HP people are Christians, because for the most part it is true. There is a small segment of the population that object to HP on the grounds of aesthetics– Harold Bloom and A.S. Byatt being two of them. What *does* anger me is when people assume that because I am Christian, I am anti-HP, and assume that I have to justify my enjoyment of them in opposition to my religion. That does bug me.

3. What is your earliest memory?

Strangely enough, my earliest memory isn’t really a memory at all. We were living in an apartment building when I was about 3, and there was a swimming pool in the complex next door that we would sometimes be allowed to swim in. Apparently one day the pool was being repaired and had been drained. That night I had a dream that I had fallen into the bottom of the pool, and it was really, really deep. My brother (who was 4) tried to get me out with a garden hose. I don’t remember seeing the pool, but I do remember the dream. Odd.

4. A what-if question: hypothetically, if Draco and Harry had become tentative friends, [how] do you think it would compare to Clark/Lex friendship?

Hmm. Interesting question. In many ways it would have been a similiar dynamic, and I think friendship with Harry might have changed Draco for the better. I don’t think that Draco, though, would put aside his death-eater tendencies and biases for the sake of Harry’s friendship, just as Lex will eventually become the evil super-villain he was despite Clark’s influence. There is another difference as well– Lex is gradually falling toward the dark, and is fighting it along the way. We have seen no such development in Draco’s character. He doesn’t seem to resent his father, as Lex does, and seems perfectly willing to live up to the family expectations. Harry only would have been hurt– and really, Clark is going to have some issues to deal with, knowing that Lex was once his friend, when he finally comes into his own as Superman.

5. Colonel Brandon, or Willoughby?

Does it lower me in your estimation if I say Colonel Brandon? I never would have been attracted to Willoughby in the first place– or, at least, not for long. I don’t usually go for that bad-boy type. I know a lot of people are mad at Marianne for “settling” for Colonel Brandon, but I really think that he was the best match for her. He’s really a Marianne who has learned his lesson, and can control his passions enough that they don’t control him, but so they still give him pleasure and drive. He’s a fascinating character in many ways.

And the fact that he’s played by Alan Rickman had no influence on my decision whatsoever. . . . ;)

Will write Amy’s questions soon.

Anyone else have a burning desire to find out my innermost secrets? Or to be grilled in return? :)

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