Bit of Ivory

Bit of Ivory random header image


December 15th, 2008 · 1 Comment

It’s a girl!

8 minutes after her mom (my sister, Laura) arrived at the hospital (and only two hours after labor began), my newest niece arrived in the world:

(picture shamelessly stolen from my brother-in-law, since my camera’s batteries were COMPLETELY DEAD :(( )

Abigail Diane (probably, with the middle name being pronounced dee-ahn, which is my grandmother’s name), 19″ long, 6 lbs. 14 ounces.

She’s got lovely reddish-blonde hair (like her dad), long fingers and toes (like her mom) and an adorable little cry (she squeaks when she inhales). Hooray for a new niece! That makes three nieces and a nephew for me. *happy sigh*

Being an aunt is the greatest.

Tags: Family

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 missteece // Apr 20, 2009 at 10:20 am

    I totally agree, being an aunt is the greatest! I am an aunt to three boys and three girls. My sister-in-law just had her third baby, (a beautiful girl). I keep calling her Vivian, when clearly she was named Isabelle. The reason is not that her middle name is Vivian, but that her mom is a huge “Gone with the wind” fan and that makes me think she named her middle name Vivian after Vivian Leigh, then I forget her first name.. What a bad auntie I am!

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