I’m still alive (sorry Lou) and it’s STILL SNOWING. Well, not at this exact moment, but it’s only a brief lull. It’s been snowing on and off since Thursday, and today we finally got some accumulation. It’s supposed to keep snowing for a few more days as well. As inconvenient as snow is sometimes, I’m loving it. We need the snow very badly. I hope it keeps snowing like this all winter. We may not be able to get out of the drought completely, but a good winter will go a long way towards it.
So, sorry it’s been so long. I had a busy weekend. Friday night, after working at DB, I went to Pirates again. Time number 9, baby! And it will soon be in the dollar theatres, so I can see it again and again and again, and then it’s going to be on DVD and I can watch it again and again and again and again and again.
The theatre had the posters for Hidalgo and RotK right next to each other, and I really wished for my camera.
Saturday morning Jen and I went to an Artistry Spa Break/Makeup Party at Lilac’s. It was very fun, and I spent entirely too much money, but considering how much I wanted to spend I thought I controlled myself very well. After the par-tay, I went to WUX.
Yesterday I made an apple pie that is DELICIOUS. MMmmmmmmm.
The plot bunny is coming along. I’m consulting with my dad on plot points.
I got called into work today, even though I wasn’t scheduled this week. One of my coworkers was sick. Which was a good thing, as I accidentally left my latest Heyer at WUX on Saturday night, and as we’re closed on Sunday I had to wait till today to get it back. I was dying. But I have it BAX now, so all is well.
Anyway. Off to read.
1 response so far ↓
1 Lou // Nov 4, 2003 at 5:24 am
Thank you. Oh, and we’re reading AP 16, right?
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