On any other day, I would be thrilled.
But there’s a BYU football game tonight.
Oh, well. Hopefully it will clear up before tonight. In the meantime I’m going to have some hot Ovaltine and wheat toast.
In other news, my dad suggested a plot bunny to me last night that simply will not go away. I’ve found myself plotting it out. I think it’s going to get itself written. Unfortunately, it’s not one that can be posted on the Quill currently, as it’s projected pretty far into the future. But it doesn’t fit in The Dark Arts or the Astronomy Tower either, and it’s not going to be anywhere near long enough to be on Schnoogle. Maybe the Ink Pen?
11 responses so far ↓
1 dave` // Oct 30, 2003 at 12:26 pm
You took my plot bunny siriusly? I’m a bit surprised. When I told you, I got the impression that you didn’t like it much.
At this point, I guess you get to write it up instead of me. Oh well….I’ve got music to write anyway
2 Emily // Oct 30, 2003 at 12:44 pm
Dad? You just used *siriusly*?
Blame it on my brain. And sorry if I didn’t seem too enthusiastic about it last night, I was distracted with Albus. But I woke up this morning with it on my mind, and found myself deciding where to start it and. . .GAH!!!
I will, of course, give it up if you’re sirius about writing it. I think you could do it, you know.
3 Lou // Oct 30, 2003 at 3:14 pm
I just love your family. Will you adopt me?
4 Jen // Oct 30, 2003 at 6:35 pm
I don’t know, Lou. That could be a VERY dangerous thing!
5 Emily // Oct 30, 2003 at 10:30 pm
Lou, listen to Jen. She knows.
6 Teri // Oct 31, 2003 at 6:14 am
Did your *dad* just ponder writing fanfic? *boggles*
And just who or what does this bunny involve?
7 dave // Oct 31, 2003 at 8:51 am
You have no idea what a house full of nut-cases there is here in Murray, Utah. Except for me of course, I am perfectly normal.
While it might seem at first that I am the most unlikely person to ever write a fanfic, I do have creative leanings. I am an electrical engineer. Some say that means I am so left brained that I couldn’t possibly be creative in the least. Yet I also am an avid musician and have written a few modest musical numbers. That means I am right brained.
Actually my left and right sides precisely balance each other, and that is why I am perfectly normal after all!
8 wolf550e // Oct 31, 2003 at 10:01 am
You can just add a “mwahahaha!” to your last comment, Dave.

9 Teri // Oct 31, 2003 at 1:20 pm
Mr Bytheway: The left-brained, right-brained distinctions are honestly not *that* much. What truth there is to the roles of the two hemispheres has been largely exaggerated and is debatable. Therefore, I can quite easily believe that an electrical engineer can be a musician or a writer or an artist, and possess a worthy amount of creative energy.
After all, some of the most famous artists were also “left-brained” science geeks in their own right. 
I suppose what causes me to boggle is two things: First, I draw an unavoidable comparison to my own father, who doesn’t read any fiction, and would never consider writing fanfiction. Second, the Harry Potter fandom is dominated by women — often teenaged ones at that — and it is fairly unusual for a married, heterosexual male over the age of 25 to express interest in creating, much less indulging, a plot bunny.
Of course, having said this, it should be mentioned that *I* write fanfiction with a 34-year-old man, who is essentially the Pied Piper of Plot Bunnies. This should make me reconsider my initial boggling, eh?
10 dave // Oct 31, 2003 at 2:03 pm
In our houshold, while everyone is a Harry Potter fan, I believe that I am safe to say that I am second to only Emily in HP knowledge and going through the books. While I have only actually read OotP, I have listened to all the others 5 ot 6 times through at least while driving in my car, mostly to work and back.
In fact I just finished OotP yesterday with my new set of Stephen Fry CDs. I had previously been throuh OotP twice in print, and at least 3 times through on CD with Jim Dale. So now I can count 6 times at least through OotP.
That is what spurred the plot bunny, as I was talking to Emily about what I had heard that day driving, I theorized about something in the story. If I were to write fanfic, I probably wouldn’t ship one of the current romantic ships simply because that is not my primary interest in the stories. I think that might be one reason there are so many ladies as you say.
Actually, since I listen while driving, I guess it has been probably a year or more since I have listened to the radio in my car (which is a Toyota Prius incidently), as I have had one HP story or another on at all times. Pretty bad huh? It really is all Emily’s fault!!!!!
11 Teri // Oct 31, 2003 at 2:17 pm
You’ve read OotP more than I have, that’s for sure! Though I can easily believe that it’s all Emily’s fault.
I don’t deal much in shipping either, though I do think your theory regarding the overwhelming amount of women fanficcers is a sound one.
My siblings are all Potter fans, though neither of them are members of the online fandom. My brother is way into *my* fanfiction, but my sister thinks it is “boring”. And I know my dad’s a lost cause, but I still wish I could convince my mom to read the Potter books. Mostly so that I could then foist my fanfiction on her, too…
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