The Good:
1) I lost a single tape from an audiobook that I checked out from the library almost two months ago. Yesterday I found it, and today I turned it in.
2) I mailed Margot and Lou’s hot chocolate today. You should get it in a week.
3) I’ve been scheduled at Deseret Book for 3 days next week.
4) I bought fabric for a new HP robe. My original one was made in such a hurry that it was, well, to put it nicely, badly made. I’ll sew it tomorrow for our Halloween party on Friday night.
5) I downloaded iTunes, so I can now download music legally. Where were these people when I was buying CDs for a single song?
The Bad:
1) I now have a $15 fine at the library.
2) I haven’t heard for sure if I’ve gotten the lead position.
3) The three days I’ve been scheduled are Tuesday morning, Halloween night, when we were going to have an SQ summit, and November 1 from noon to eight, when I was going to go to a makeup party at Lilac’s house.
4) I have to sew now.
5) I downloaded iTunes. I’m going to spend *so much money.*
The Frivolous:
1) My mom’s apple crisp is delicious.
2) I love The Scarlet Pimpernel. The novel. Yes, it’s a bit overwrought. Yes, Marguerite and Percy have Mary Sue tendencies (although they both have an almost-fatal flaw). But it’s great. I love the part when Percy kisses all the spots where Marguerite had stood, and where her hand rested on the balustrade. *sigh*
3) I’ve got my eye on a bunch of HP stuff on eBay.
4) I also want to buy some Georgette Heyers that are out-of-print.
5) In addition to the two I just bought.
I sure am spending money that I don’t have, aren’t I?
4 responses so far ↓
1 Leslie // Oct 23, 2003 at 2:04 pm
You know, that’s how it always works out on Halloween. If you have someplace to go you will work, but if you haven’t a thing to do you won’t work.
Hope everything straightens itself out.
2 Siriusnutter // Oct 23, 2003 at 2:32 pm
That is usually how things work, but then I have been hoping that the SQ summit would be moved to the 28th because I have to work Halloween as well. Also what is the point of working if you can’t splurge once in a while?
Anyway I’m at work so I probably should quit goofing off. he he he Yeah right!
*mad giggling*
Queen of Quotes (see link!)
3 Lou // Oct 23, 2003 at 7:25 pm
And I just want a friend to share HP with that lives closer than 800 miles away. Laurel is within 200, but I really can’t see driving that far just to do lunch. My family just roles there eyes if I dare mention anything HP or even internet related. Oh for the sad choice of a summit on the 28th or the 31. I’m saying nasty things right now because I don’t play nice when I’m feeling left out…. >:C
4 siriusnutter // Oct 23, 2003 at 9:24 pm
Still goofing off.
*more giggles*
I am sorry you feel left out
Wish you could come.
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