So. Been a while since I’ve posted anything of substance, eh?
Yesterday I went to Provo and made the T-shirts. I drove all the way down there, fought for a parking space in visitor parking (forgot that it was Parent’s Weekend because of General Conference), walked to the Wilkinson Center, down the stairs to Cougar Creations, and reached in my purse for the disk with the T-shirt design on it. And it *wasn’t there*. I sat down and searched, and still couldn’t find it. Argh! Finally, I remembered a back pocket on my gigantic purse (I bought it in the first place because it was so big I could fit at least 3 books in it. ) and it was there. *Phew!* So I went in and told them I needed my t-shirts, and sent the files to the printer, and as the girl was gathering them up to take them back to the press machine, the guy who had made the shirts for me back in July looked at them and said “Hey– when is this conference?” He remembered.
I told him that it was in July, but the shirts were such a hit that people who hadn’t even been able to make it to the convention wanted one.
After they were finished I walked around the corner to the Post Office and sent them off. So they’re all on the way!
Traffic was so bad from BYU students driving up to their mission reunions in Salt Lake that I hung out at my sisters’ apartment for awhile. Laura and I ended up going to Sonic for dinner after Lisa left on her date, while my parents went out in Salt Lake. They totally pulled a Perry Mason on me. I was Paul Drake with my greasy hamburger sandwich while they went to Carver’s and had steak and potatoes au gratin. Oh, well. It was a good hamburger, at least.
Conference today was excellent. Lots of good stuff about being fully converted and keeping up our moral standards. I love Conference.
BYU is playing San Diego State right now, and we’re ahead by 5. Seems like we finally have an offense. Here’s hoping we can hold out for 5 minutes and 33 seconds. *crosses fingers*
I’ve been knitting while watching Conference. I need to learn how to pearl, and then I’m totally starting a Ravenclaw scarf. I think I’ll make this one blue and bronze rather than blue and silver, since I already have the movie version.
Our parakeet (Wedgewood) has been molting, poor thing. She doesn’t have any tail feathers anymore. She’s been feeling really crummy, but seems to have perked up today. Or maybe it’s just that Lisa and Laura are home. It must be really itchy to have feathers grow back in, ’cause she’s been preening all day.
I helped Lisa update her template on her blog today. I think it looks rather nice, if I do say so myself. The original template was in grays and reds, and the star was a .gif that was hosted on the designer’s Angelfire page. I went into WordPerfect Presentations and made a new one in the colors Lisa picked and hosted it on my website. Now I just need to redo the colors on here.
2:20 left, and we just scored a field goal. They could tie it by scoring and getting a 2-point conversion. On the other hand, they’ve tried two 2-point conversions tonight, and we stopped them both times.
Wedgewood is still preening.
Just remembered that my bed is piled high with clothes. I won’t be able to go to bed without putting them away. Or maybe I’ll just stack them on the floor and worry about them later. That’s what I usually do.
We have tickets for the Sunday Afternoon session tomorrow. Going to Conference live is always fun. After the session we’ll drive over to my grandparents’ for our usual after-Conference get-together. Surprisingly, we’ve had pretty good weather this weekend. It almost always rains on Conference weekend. Sometimes it even snows.
Ooh! They just turned it over on downs. 1:20 to go, and they don’t have any timeouts. I think we’re actually going to win! And we scored more than 10 points! Wow!
1 response so far ↓
1 Lou // Oct 7, 2003 at 5:18 pm
You. Are. A. Nut.
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