I was planning on driving down to Provo today and get the shirts made and mailed, but I didn’t make it. I was waiting for quatre_sama to send me her address because I just *know* that if I don’t get them mailed immediately after I get them made they’ll sit around on my floor for the next several months. Just ask Lou, who never actually did get her package (I took everything to Nimbus instead), and Teri (HAH! I knew you’d cave eventually, Teri. ), whose package that was promised back in November just got mailed 2 days ago. So, q_sama, it really is in your best interest to get me your address before tomorrow morning.
Anyway, by the time I gave up on hearing from quatre_sama, and bought the shirts themselves, it was 3:30. I got on the freeway, and the traffic was terrible. I realized that by the time I got to Provo it would be 5:00 at least, and they close at 5:30, which would mean that they probably wouldn’t have enough time to do the shirts today and I’d have to go down again tomorrow anyway. So I’ll just go down tomorrow morning. Maybe I can convince Jen to come with me and check out some books from the BYU library for me.
Last night Lilac and I had a little mini-summit we called SQUIB– Sugar Quillers United in Idolizing Bloom. I am happy to say that she and I are both still loyal Turnerites.
Of course.
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