Bit of Ivory

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Age Meme (gacked from R.J. Anderson, among others)

May 3rd, 2003 · No Comments

20 years ago
Umm. . .I was vaguely aware that my mom was going to have another baby in a few months, but was probably more interested in the sandbox out back. Little did I know that the baby would turn out to be two babies– little did mom know, either.

10 years ago
I was desperately trying to survive my first year of junior high school. I was taking Jazz Dance classes and playing the violin very badly in the junior high orchestra.

5 years ago
I was nervously anticipating my graduation from high school and preparing for the Madrigal yearly spring concert, our last big hurrah as Mads.

3 years ago
I had just finished my semester at the BYU Salt Lake Center, and was probably reading Harry Potter for the very first time (it was sometime around May 2000).

1 year ago
I had just finished my junior year of college and was communting to Provo 4 days a week to work in the library.

1 week ago
I was madly packing and cleaning my student apartment, getting ready to move out forever.

I woke up much later than I planned and accomplished much less than I planned.

I’ll go to church at 11, the CES Fireside at 6:00, and probably nap & write fanfic in between.

So I just got back from lunch with Nicole. That’s at least one thing accomplished for today. Next will be unloading my books, which considering I had 3 nearly-full bookshelves already when I got home will be something of a chore. I brought at least 3 boxes full of books back from school with me. I love having this many books, but I’m running out of places to put them.

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