Bit of Ivory

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Since I’m unemployed. . .

May 2nd, 2003 · No Comments

I feel like I need to list the productive things I do each day. ‘Cause otherwise I would feel completely lazy.

See, the thing is, lately I’ve either been waking up about 6:00 (which is WAAAY too early), or about 11:30, which is WAAAY too late. Methinks I need to set an alarm clock for about 8:30, 9:00. Late enough that I can stay up till midnight, but early enough that I don’t feel like I’ve slept the day away.

My productive things today, though, are actually not too bad. I looked over Jen’s rewrites of Retrospection 3 & 4; added in Lou’s rewrites on AP 15A, put the file in HTML, and uploaded it to the Yahoo!Group; and helped my mom out by making the stew for dinner.

Tomorrow I need to fax my copyright agreement license to Nimbus (’cause I’m *bad* and haven’t done it yet), take Lou and Teri’s packages to the post office, start writing my thank-you notes for my graduation gifts, help my mom get the garage clean enough that we can put the Prius in it again (right now, our driveway looks like a used Toyota parking lot– we do have 6 of them, after all), and at least unpack all my books from my room. In addition, I’m taking Nicole to lunch for her birthday (which was back in February, but I haven’t really had the time to do it before now). So I’ve got a busy day ahead of me.

I’ve just realized I never told you guys about the dream I had the other night. RJA should find it especially interesting. In my dream, James, the guy I like, was my teacher– I can’t remember exactly what for, but I was definitely taking a class from him. I think it might have even been Sunday School. Anyway, in my dream, I had a dream–which is strange enough as it is, but it gets worse– and in that dream within a dream, I was Maud Moody, and James was Snape, and I was searching through the Forbidden Forest to find him. And I came upon him, and he was all sprawled out and bloody, just like in Personal Risks, and I had to save his life. I *knew* it was James, and that I was me, but yet James was Snape, too, and I was Maud. I even remembered feeling bad about Athena dying. Somehow Lorelai Gilmore and Luke from Gilmore Girls were mixed up in the dream, too– not the dream-within-a-dream, just the regular dream. Strange, eh?

I think this is a very good indication that I read too much fanfic.

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