Bit of Ivory

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Completely Random Observations

September 28th, 2004 · No Comments

I hate traffic and construction. Luckily the construction is almost done, which should take away from the stress of my commute considerably.

I like beef jerky.

New Gilmore Girls tonight! Whoot!

How lucky am I to be able to read Return of the King for homework? :D

Yesterday Kate and I were discussing how Utah has a big fault line (the Wasatch Fault) and how everyone’s talking about how we could have a big earthquake any minute and yet there have been maybe 3 tiny earthquakes in our lifetimes, and Kate said she’d think it was really coincidental if we had an earthquake today. And then I listen to the noon news while driving to school, and there was an earthquake in California. O.o.

One of life’s simple pleasures is dipping Wendy’s fries in a Frosty. Yum.

I made scones last night. Not what everyone thinks of as scones, though– I made Utah Scones. Utah Scones are pieces of deep-fried bread dough slathered with either butter, honey, powdered sugar, or a combination of the above. I like mine with just honey, but everyone’s different. They’re very yummy. I remember being confused, though, the first time I heard scones referred to as sweet biscuit-type things with currants in them. Although those are yummy, too. ;)

I have my first midterm of graduate school tomorrow. Is in my undergrad class though, so am not too worried. Should probably spend a bit of time studying, though. :P

I have all of one picture on my walls. Must remedy this situation.

I don’t care what anybody else thinks, I adore the book Kilmeny of the Orchard by L.M. Montgomery. Yes, Kilmeny is a Mary Sue, and Eric is a Gary Stu, and the plot is predictable and melodramatic. But it’s so gosh darn beautiful that I. Don’t. Care.. :P

The mountains around BYU are absolutely beautiful this time of year. I’m going to bring my camera with me on Monday and take some pics, because all of you should be able to delight in autumn in Provo.

Ron is NOT going to have his prefect badge taken away from him in HBP in favor of Harry. First off, Ron hasn’t done anything wrong as a prefect, and in fact has been a pretty good one (other than his interaction with F&G, which is perfectly understandable). Second, the “enough responsibility to be getting on with” situation has not changed one iota. And I really, really wish everyone would stop saying that Harry should have been prefect instead of Ron. No, he shouldn’t have. Dumbledore considered Harry, and decided that his other obligations made it undesirable for Harry to be a prefect. And boy, was he right. Can you imagine CAPSLOCK!Harry with poor little first years? Hermione was quite bad enough. *shudders* Harry would have made an absolutely awful prefect. So Ron got the job, because Ron was the better candidate. DEAL.

I used an Orlando Bloom READ bookmark in Tolkien class today, and got admiring comments from all the girls sitting around me. I promised to bring some for them next class. :P

Umm. That’s all I can think of. :P

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