Bit of Ivory

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Things I hate

March 24th, 2004 · 2 Comments

  • Microsoft. Especially Word. I hate how it tries to be “helpful” and does things you don’t want without you EVEN DOING ANYTHING. I hate how you can’t do anything easily. How everything is a chore.
  • Allergies. My eyes have been driving me crazy all day. I wore my glasses to work and vainly attempted to stop from rubbing them. I adore spring, but pollen and I are NOT friends. No, no, no.
  • Waiting. Waiting for the Thing, waiting for the Trailer, waiting for the time I get off work, waiting for my new HP watch to come. Gah. I’m going to go crazy.

But it will all be over soon. *sigh*

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 wolf550e // Mar 26, 2004 at 7:10 am

    Don’t hate Microsoft for its products; hate them for their business practices, vendor lock-in and general anti-customer orientation.

    I usually don’t mind Word that much.

  • 2 Emily // Mar 26, 2004 at 10:12 am

    But. . . can’t I hate Microsoft for *both*? ‘Cause I despise its business practices as much as its products.

    The only people who truly like Word, I’m convinced, are people who have never used WordPerfect. I grew up with WordPerfect– we had it at home starting with version 5.2, and since it was a Utah company they gave really good deals to the schools, so I used it there, too. I’ve had to use Word more and more– they took WP off the public machines at BYU, which made me want to scream– and I *can* use it, but I don’t like it and never will. I will cry my eyes out if Corel ever decides to stop making it. Siriusly.

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