Bit of Ivory

Bit of Ivory random header image


February 1st, 2004 · 1 Comment

I hate being sick. It was inevitable, I suppose. This dratted cold has made its way through my family member by member. I think my brother is the only one who has escaped it by not spending too much time at home in the past couple of weeks. We’ve got Stake Conference in two weeks, and I’m singing first soprano in the choir– which means hitting a high A. Now, I’m either an alto with soprano tendencies or a soprano with alto tendencies. I’ve been singing alto most of the time because altos are usually harder to come by, but I am perfectly capable of hitting a high A. Unless, of course, I have a cold. Gah. My throat hurts.

Primary was pretty good today. Had a slightly difficult time explaining that in the scriptures “man” means everyone, not just those of the male persuasion. I started teaching my kids “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in French (tête, épaules, genoux et pieds) last week, and they remembered most of it this week. I was so proud of them! Plus it helps get the wiggles out, which is always a good thing with 7 year olds. Anyway, we talked about making good choices in class, and about how important families are during Sharing Time. For the unitiated, Primary is our children’s organization, for ages 3-11. We all meet together for opening exercises, then the junior primary (ages 3-7) go to class while the senior primary stays for a group lesson and singing time. My mom leads the music, so that’s kind of fun.

Since it’s the first Sunday of the month it was also fast Sunday. As a church, we’re expected to fast two meals each month, and donate the money we would have spent on those meals to the church for helping the poor. It helps us to put the needs of the spirit above the needs of our body, and most of the time we fast with a purpose– a problem of your own, for the health or well-being of another person, etc. Also, during Sacrament Meeting, instead of scheduled speakers, members of the congregation are invited to come and bear their testimonies. It’s usually a very special meeting, one where its very easy to feel the Spirit, and today was no different. It was lovely.

Didn’t bother watching the Super Bowl. Was the PoA commercial good?

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Lou // Feb 1, 2004 at 11:12 pm

    No. Maybe the talking head. And it looks like they’ve got Ron putting Snape into the dress instead of Neville. Not happy.

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