Bit of Ivory

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January 6th, 2004 · 3 Comments

I had a job interview today– over the phone. Fellytone from SQ told me about a job at her workplace, and told her boss about me. I sent in my resume and had a chat with her boss. Should know by Friday.

Yet another reason why SQ is a wonderful, wonderful place.

Part I of the SECRET PROJEX is complete. Part II is still in progress. Here’s hoping I can tell you about it soon. :P

We watch a lot of TNT and The Hallmark Channel around here. Law and Order and M*A*S*H* reruns, right? The problem with these two channels is that they don’t play enough of a variety of commercials. For instance, right now they’re both playing ads for the TNT original movie “The Goodbye Girl”, which doesn’t air until the 16th, at least once a commercial break. It’s incredibly annoying. The first time I saw an ad for it I thought I might give it a whirl. Now I’m so sick of the commercials I don’t even want to see the movie.

I’ve been working on my grad school application today. Contacted one more person about a letter of recommendation, reminded another who had promised to write one, called and scheduled an appointment for an interview with my bishop for my ecclesiasticl endorsement, and worxed on my personal statement of intent. Now I just need to PIX and revise one of my research papers for a writing sample, finish said statement of intent and submit my application (it’s the only thing that’s incomplete), pay the $50 fee, and follow up with all my letters of rec. people until they get them in. And I have until next Thursday! Whoot!

Can’t believe I’m actually applying for grad school. Never thought I’d do this.

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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Laura // Jan 7, 2004 at 5:29 am

    WHOOHOO! A job interview. Wonderful! And the Grad school is going to be for and English degree?

  • 2 Laura // Jan 7, 2004 at 5:31 am

    Please forgive the grammatical error in previous post. It’s early here. {G}

  • 3 Lou // Jan 7, 2004 at 6:28 pm

    So waht does a fellytone do? HeHe

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