Whoo! I love a new year– starting fresh, full of possibilities. And this promises to be a good year.
I spent last night about like I thought I would– ended up watching several Perry Mason episodes and Edward Scissorhands, which was on TV. We got sick of the commercials, though, and popped in the DVD instead. Also read Susan Cooper. As the new year turned, I was halfway through The Dark is Rising, vaguely listening to the Perry Mason episode that my folks were watching.
Curse you, Sweeney Agonistes. I was up until 2 finishing The Dark is Rising. Have now finished Greewitch, and have started The Grey King. I expect to be finished with the series by tonight.
The wind is blowing. Hard. Has been all day. Our creaky old house has been getting a workout. Rather an inauspicious start to the new year, eh?
I thought I’d write my new year’s resolutions in public– make it that much harder to forget that I made them. So here we go:
1) Excercise more. Ideal would be cardio/aerobic 3 times a week, alternating with strength training at the chiropractor.
2) Eat more healthily. Hopefully this and the above resolution will combine to a weight loss of approximately 30 lbs. by Wahleecon.
3) Complete and fully post my Albus fic.
4) Remove the things in my life that are keeping me from a closer relationship with God, and work to become a better person.
I think that’s quite enough to be getting on with.
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