Bit of Ivory

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The sun is shining!

November 6th, 2003 · 1 Comment

That’s right, folks! It’s not snowing! This is the first time I’ve seen the sun in over a week, so it was rather strange to find it merrily shining away when I woke up this morning.

So I decided I needed to define some memories on LJ, so I went back through my LJ today. As I was tagging my Nimbus entries, I noticed that I never recapped Sunday. Bad me! So, infinitely late, here’s Sunday at Nimbus:

Having stayed up entirely too late the night before, and the night before that, we all slept in a bit. Mellie and I had a bit of a chat while we were getting ready–not long enough, of course. Man, I need to see everyone again. Anyway, all of us roommates ended up going down to the brunch/auction at different times. I ran into Lou in the hallway, and finally gave her the book, hot chocolate, and brownies I had planned to send her forever. We chatted, and I discovered that Angua had gone with her family to MGM, and that I wouldn’t get to see her again. :(

I eventually made my way into the brunch/auction, but my stomach didn’t feel so hot so I didn’t think I could eat any of the nummy bacon, sausage, etc. I only had some orange juice. I took Dobby’s place at the table (he had a napkin tied around his neck and a bowl of cereal in front of him) next to Mellie and observed the auction for a while. Lou came in a bit later and showed me her various notes from AP. Good grief, the woman is disorganized. She had bits of it written on everything from her mom’s phone bill to gas station receipts. I’m surprised the finished product is as coherent as it is. :D Just kidding, Lou. Anyway, Lou was on her way out so we took a break and snapped some pictures before she had to leave. Then we hugged and cried and didn’t want to say goodbye, but of course she had to leave. I said goodbye to Leslie shortly after that as well *sniff*. I watched as the bidding on the Sirius and Remus banners went astronomically high, along with an Alan Rickman-signed FictionAlley tote. After the auction was over I met a few more people, including Redblaze and Chickadilly, and then Mellie, Kirk, Krista and I attended a reading by Peg Kerr. She read us stuff from her new unpublished novel, straight off her laptop. It was amazing.

After the reading we dropped in on the post-mortem, and ended up having a heart-to-heart with Ebony about what was right and wrong with Nimbus, especially with the slights we R/Hers and SQers felt were directed at us throughout the proceedings. It was a great conversation, and is the reason Ebony is on my friends list now.

Eventually Mellie and I went up to our room for the last time, and then took our bags to the front desk. Kirk, Krista, Mellie and I had plans to get some lunch, but we went back down to the area we held Nimbus in in the hopes of seeing a few more people. We ran into Sweeney Agonistes right before her folks showed up, so we were able to say goodbye. *sobs* Right as we were about to get food, my parents called to let me know that they were there. So I had to say goodbye. I hugged Kirk and Krista, and then I had to say goodbye to Mellie, which was almost the hardest goodbye of all, since I’d known her the longest, and she’s so darn busy that I hardly ever see her online.

And that was it. It was over. I went with my family to church, and to see the Orlando temple, and thought about how amazing a weekend it had been, and how it wasn’t nearly long enough. And how much I wanted to do it all over again.

Now I’m all depressed. All of you (and all my blog readers, too. You guys just don’t have a good page to link to. :P) need to come to Wahleecon. Siriusly. I need to see you again. Nimbus 2005 is just too far away.


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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Lou // Nov 6, 2003 at 5:49 pm

    But, But ….it is organized. For me. Everything had a slot in the folder of what had been typed what has not and, it was by chapter and, and…I forgot what I was saying …where did that reciept go now?? Humm… Darn do they make slotted folders you can put an entire desk in?

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