Bit of Ivory

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It’s terribly late. . .

June 10th, 2003 · 2 Comments

but I’m not ready to fall asleep, so I might as well blog. After 3 years of being perpetually tired, I’ve found sleepiness to be something I have to work up to of late. In my earlier days of tiredness, when I actually had mono, a valid excuse, I had trouble falling asleep. This was replaced by being able to fall asleep very easily, but having difficulty staying asleep. Now I can’t seem to do either. I wonder if this is some after-affect of the drugs from my tonsilectomy. Dang it all, I had the darn thing to *help* me sleep, not to make it more difficult. I sometimes wonder if I’m not really tired all the time at all, that this is just the way normal people feel. Kind of like when you’re sick and can’t remember what it’s like to feel well. It’s been so long since I’ve felt properly awake and alert, I literally can’t remember what it’s supposed to feel like. Can anyone give me a good description? ‘Cause I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever feel awake again. Or maybe I do feel awake. I don’t know anymore.

Today (or yesterday I suppose) was rather busy. My poor sister Lisa had back surgery this morning– she had to be at the hospital at the ungodly hour of 5:30. The surgery itself was a potentially complicated one– she had what’s called a tethered spinal cord, where the spinal cord attaches itself to one side of your vertabrae, causing it to stretch and do some odd things to your nerves. Luckily for Lisa, the surgery went very well, and she’s doing much better than I expected. She had to stay in the hospital overnight, but the doctor said that when she comes home, the only two activites that are barred for her are jumping on the trampoline and playing hockey– not two activites she usually indulges in. I’m sure she’ll actually spend quite a bit of time on the couch, milking it for all she can get (who wouldn’t?). But it looks like although the surgery itself was much more invasive and delicate than mine, it will have a much faster and easier recovery time. Strange.

Dad used the time while Lisa was in surgery and recovery to start reading David Eddings. He’s already finished Pawn of Prophecy and is halfway through Queen of Sorcery. This makes the rest of the family very happy, as he will now be able to share in our Eddings in-jokes. It will be similar to how happy we were when he listened to Harry Potter, except in this case, he’ll probably just add his own opinion on how to pronounce “Riva” and “Torak” and half of the other names in Eddings. At least Tolkien provided a pronunciation guide.

I, when I wasn’t driving back and forth from the hospital and cooking dinner, have gotten about 1/3 of the way through Mirror Dance. Is v. good. I’ll probably finish it tomorrow.

Jen will be very happy to know that I did an initial beta on Retrospection ch. 5 today as well.

I’d probably better start reading Persuasion. Maybe I’ll actually get sleepy.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Leslie // Jun 10, 2003 at 10:31 am

    I’m glad Lisa made it throught the surgery OK.

    I wish I knew of something to help with your sleep problems. What does your doctor say?

  • 2 Emily // Jun 10, 2003 at 10:45 pm

    Even the sleep specialists are perplexed with my continuing tiredness. They’re not even sure if my reduced breathing is really causing my problem. Dr. Farney didn’t think it was severe enough to be causing the severity of my exhaustion. I *am* having a much easier time breathing at night, but so far, I’m still tired. I just don’t get it.

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