Bit of Ivory

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Am worried.

May 5th, 2003 · 5 Comments

My brother reminded me of something today. He was reading PoA in preparation for June 21, and last night he crossed the Point of No Return. As in, once you hit a certain spot, you have to finish the book. You just have to. So he ended up finishing it.

GoF has that certain spot. It’s called Chapter 32–The Third Task. If you come to Chapter 32, and you have a few minutes but not enough time to finish the book, you might as well stop there because after you start that chapter, you’re sunk. Back when most of my friends and family hadn’t read HP, I used to warn people to stop there if they didn’t have time to finish the whole thing. When I lent the book to my grandma, I even put a Post-It note at the beginning of Chapter 32 to remind her. I’ve had two friends ignore my advice– Jen had to stop reading in the middle of Voldie’s speech to the Death Eaters because she had to go to work, for example, and she was practically dying by the time she got home. I have yet to be able to stop after that point while reading GoF, and I’ve probably read the book at least 10 times. Even when I was listening to it while driving home from work, I had to take the tapes in with me and finish them when I reached that point. I’m sure many of you have experienced the same problem.

So what’s my dilemma? Well, it’s this chapter-a-day thing. How am I ever going to do it? I don’t know if I have the willpower. When I get to the third task, I’m either going to have to read the whole thing that night, or I’m going to have to put off reading the final chapters until the day before. Probably the former will be what happens.

Oh well. What’s coming will come, and I’ll meet it when it gets here.

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5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Lou // May 6, 2003 at 7:17 am

    Oh boooo……….

  • 2 dave // May 6, 2003 at 8:59 am

    So ….. Do you have the GoF tapes right now? I was thinking of starting them while I drive to work this week. I didn’t want to wake you up this morning.

    I have tried more than once to just listen while driving. But at certain points in all the books, I end up taking the tape in the house or to work with me so I can finish a section while doing other things!

  • 3 Lou // May 6, 2003 at 6:25 pm

    We just finished PoA (my favorite) on tape. The kids have demanded we start GoF so that we will be done in time for July 11th. That is when we leave for Nimbus and they want to drive to Flordia listening to OoTP. Can we say brain washed children?

  • 4 dave // May 7, 2003 at 9:13 am

    Well . . . I started GoF today, with Jim Dale. Over the last couple of months I have been listening to Steven Fry’s PoA and CoS and I just couldn’t stand not having Stephen Fry for GoF.

    So . . . . I just placed an order for the CD version of GoF with Stephen Fry with Amazon UK. It should be here next week.

    I just might let you borrow it . . . Maybe if you are real nice!!!

  • 5 Jen // May 8, 2003 at 8:16 am

    Speaking of GoF tapes–my mom hasn’t read my youngest brother, Connor, GoF because she’s not really in the mood to read a 700 page book outloud to an 8 year old. However, he came down Sunday morning and asked if he could listen to them on tape. Let’s just say he’s almost half way through them. Emily, I think you’ve got another one. :)

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