Bit of Ivory

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May 1st, 2003 · 4 Comments

Have decided to break my recent tradition of blogging at midnight today. Dad was commenting too much on it.

Forgot to mention something I discovered in canon recently. Did you know that JKR has already done a serious/Sirius joke? I can’t believe I missed it, and if all of you say “Well, yeah, I saw that the first time,” I’m going to feel very stupid. ‘Cause I’m s’posed to be observant about these things. I mean, I’m the one who knew the answer to the HP Trivia Game question “What was sitting outside Hagrid’s door the first time the Trio visit him?” (Answer: a crossbow and a pair of wellies, or rubber boots to us Americans). So the fact that I missed this:

“I’m not trying to be a hero, but seriously, Sirius Black can’t be worse than Voldemort, can he?” (PoA ch. 5: The Dementor, p. 73, American hardcover edition)

siriusly blows my mind. Am I the only one?

While I’m thinking about canon, and PoA in particular, maybe someone can answer a question I have. I’ve heard a theory about there being 2 invisible Gryffindor girls that Harry doesn’t seem to have noticed at all. This theory is supposedly based on the boggart scene in PoA. Well, I read that scene night before last, and I’m curious. Doesn’t the whole theory stem from the fact that the boggart turned into two scary things that don’t seem to have a person to account for them? Well, if that’s so, then how come the boggart actually turn into three things? Observe:

Crack! The banshee turned into a rat, which chased its tail in a circle, then–crack!–became a rattlesnake, which slithered and writhed before–crack!–becoming a single, bloody eyeball” (PoA ch. 7, American hardcover edition p. 138).

So if this is the supposed evidence for the two-missing-Gryffindor-girls theory, how come it hasn’t been disproven ages ago? Or is there more evidence? I personally think the theory’s a bunch of hooey, but if that’s what they’re basing it off of, why isn’t it three missing girls instead of two?

In other news, I’ve given up on the Austen paper. I would have had to almost completely rewrite it, and I just didn’t have enough time. Oh, well. I had a nice chat with Alphabet about some story ideas for IFL, though, so I did do *something* productive.

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4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jen // May 1, 2003 at 11:15 pm

    I was also thinking about the 2/3 missing Gryffindor girls last night when I read. Then I remembered reading something on the Harry Potter Lexicon. Hope this is useful. (Or maybe I just wanted to show off my skills with HTML :)

  • 2 Lou // May 2, 2003 at 12:42 pm

    Ok…good logic both of you but my counter arguemet is the fact that most classes are with another house. Do Griffindore’s only have DADA with themselves?

  • 3 Steve // May 4, 2003 at 5:34 pm

    …hmm, I was just contemplateing the whole 2 vs. 3 items, and though I do not know the context comepletely, I thought that there were only two items in the end, since the rattlesnake turned into an eyeball.

    Just a thought,


  • 4 Jen // May 4, 2003 at 10:22 pm

    Here’s another question I have about that chapter. After Lupin says “Ridiculous”, the silvery looking orb turns into a cockroach. Why is that? Personally, I think cockroaches are disgusting, but that just might big a girl’s opinion. (The guy’s in “God’s Army” didn’t seem to have any problems besides naming all of them.)

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