Bit of Ivory

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You know, the internet has

August 18th, 2002 · No Comments

You know, the internet has been pretty dead lately. At least the little
corner of it that I inhabit. I posted part 3 of my story and have only
gotten 3 comments so far, not including the chat I had with Teri on
AIM. I was also lucky enough to catch Alec Dossetor (who always starts
our conversations with “Hail Emily” which I just think is so British
*grin*) for a brief moment–long enough to get a commitment out of him
to beta my story once it’s finished. I just want to avoid Americanisms,
and I can’t think of anything better to help out with that than to have
a Brit let me know that British teens don’t say “okay” (that’s one of
the words I’m worried about).
But, anyway, back to the internet being dead. Wolf hadn’t posted in so
long that Elizabeth and I got worried about him and e-mailed him. He
said he wouldn’t get blown up on a bus without Blogging about it. :) As
his blog shows nothing about busses, I take that to mean he’s safe.
Seriously, Wolf, you should make sure to tell your parents to send a
global e-mail to everyone in your address book if anything serious
happens to you that renders you completely unable to do anything
computer-related (which knowing Wolf, would have to be very serious
indeed). There would be a lot of people worried about you if you
suddenly dropped off the face of the planet.
Same goes for all my internet friends. Leave word with loved ones to
let us internet people (or at least one internet person who can spread
the word) know what’s going on. I was worried sick about Elizabeth
until her husband e-mailed Wolf to tell him she was in the hospital
(which of course only made me worry more!). Word tends to get around in
RL, but not here in cyberspace.
My personal theory as to why the internet is dead: We’ve all suddenly
realized that summer is almost over and we’ve just spent most of it
inside looking at a computer screen, so we’ve all headed out to fit 3
months of outdoor activities into two weeks. Once school starts, people
will be back. The irony of it all is that when we’re out of school and
have more time, we spend less of it on the internet, whereas when we’re
in school and have less time, we spend more of it on the internet.
My, that was a rambling post.

Tags: Virtual Parchment

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