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Entries Tagged as 'Virtual Parchment'

Bye-bye Blogspot

November 30th, 2002 · No Comments

So, looks like I’m not only going to be abandoning my Blogspot site, I will be abandoning Blogger as well. Not that I don’t love Blogger. It’s been great. There have been a few hangups, but for the most part, I’m pleased with it. The problem is that it’s publishing method is FTP. My brother […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment

I have a bit of a reprieve.

November 27th, 2002 · No Comments

While I still have to do my presentation on Cymbeline on Monday, the paper itself isn’t due until a week from Monday, so that helps. My other research paper isn’t actually due until Thursday, which also helps. On the other hand, I haven’t yet decided what Shakespeare’s central message is in Cymbeline (although I’m toying […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment

Dude, this ROX.

November 25th, 2002 · No Comments

My 2 o’clock class has now been canceled tomorrow. Which means, conceivably, I could go home tonight. I won’t, of course. There’s still that question of research for my two research papers. I can’t do that all too well away from the library. So I’ll probably stick around until my sisters and/or brother are ready […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment

I’m going to love this week.

November 25th, 2002 · No Comments

I have one normal day of classes (today). Then tomorrow is a Friday (only at BYU. . .), and on Fridays I don’t work and have only 2 classes, at 2 & 3. Now, my 3 o’clock class is canceled, which means I have only 1 class. Then we have Thanksgiving Break starting Wednesday. Yay! […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment

Thanks to Laura. . .

November 21st, 2002 · No Comments

a regular reader (wow!) and HP fan from Georgia (the state, not the country ) who pointed out that my page doesn’t stop loading. I think it was the javascript from the now-defunct timer. I edited out the code from those posts. I hope that works. Let me know, will you Laura? And feel free […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment


November 20th, 2002 · No Comments

I was part of this. I saw CoS for the first time at Jordan Commons. And here we go making TLC!


Tags: Virtual Parchment

I’m trying to think of

November 20th, 2002 · No Comments

I’m trying to think of something to blog that isn’t Harry Potter related. I can’t think of a thing. Oh, maybe. . .yeah. I have two research papers due in the next 3 weeks. I haven’t even started on either of them. I am definitely living up to my title. And I wanted to change […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment

I need to. . .

November 19th, 2002 · No Comments

stay away from the “Movie Love” thread at SQ. Reading what everyone else’s favorite scenes were (and most of them are mine, also) makes me want to go out and see it again. But Real Life is rearing its ugly head. I probably won’t get to see it again until Thanksgiving weekend. I want to […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment

CoS Review

November 18th, 2002 · No Comments

Okay, after having seen the movie three times and having enough time to digest it (and enough rest to recover from this weekend), I finally have time to write an extended review. Spoilers abound, of course. First off, the acting. Daniel Radcliffe, who I thought did a decent job first time out, was spectacular here. […]


Tags: Virtual Parchment

CoS Countdown

November 16th, 2002 · No Comments

Hours until Emily sees Chamber of Secrets for the third time: (This was a cool Javascript timer that no longer works. )


Tags: Virtual Parchment