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Entries Tagged as 'Brian Vaughn'


February 24th, 2007 · No Comments

Currently watching Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet. Haven’t actually seen it for years. Yup. Brian Vaughn was better. (I’ll do a real update tomorrow, promise. )


Tags: Brian Vaughn

For Everything Else, There’s Mastercard. . .

September 2nd, 2006 · No Comments

Tickets for Two Plays and a Backstage Tour:  $88 Hotel room:  $65 Gas to and from Cedar City and Assorted Food: $60 Seeing Brian Vaughn Play Hamlet on Closing Night: Priceless. (Oh, and BYU lost their season opener. Bah.)


Tags: Brian Vaughn · Life

Why, yes, I’m obsessed. What of it?

August 21st, 2006 · No Comments

Take a look at this article about Brian Vaughn’s Hamlet, which I discovered by doing a Google News search for “Brian Vaughn.” Luckily, I’m not alone in thinking he’s one of the best Hamlets ever. Hoping to go back for one last performance on Labor Day weekend. Even if I have to go alone.


Tags: Brian Vaughn · Life

Shakefest 2006 Part Deux

August 15th, 2006 · No Comments

Guess where I’m posting from? A hotel room in Cedar City, of course! My intimidation/brainwashing campaign against my family worked, and we’re taking a short trip to Cedar City to enjoy Shakefest 2006 before the summer season ends. Today, we saw a matinee of HMS Pinafore (which was just as entertaining as last time) and […]


Tags: Brian Vaughn · Life