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Thoughts on OotP

June 23rd, 2003 · 2 Comments

Don’t click on the link below unless you’ve read it. Seriously, it would just ruin the whole thing for you.

Wow. I’ve had a few days to sort things out now, and I think I’ve been able to get my mind around it– as much as anyone can. What a mind-blowing book. JKR was right on when she called GoF 37 “The Beginning.” Everything is changed in this book.

I’ve read many other people’s responses, and while I can see where people are coming from when they say they disliked the book, I can’t agree. This was an excellent book. It needed to be 860 pages long; there was no wasted space.

Is it a different book? Oh, yes. In many ways it makes me wish for a simpler time– can’t we go back to CoS, or even PoA, when things were straightforward, and characters were understandable, and Hogwarts was a haven and a refuge? But there’s no way that could happen. Everything changed.

I’ve seen people complain that the plot was too linear– that there wasn’t a big surprise twist– that Harry didn’t have a big adventure. I don’t think people are looking at the book closely enough.

This isn’t a book about external adventures. This is Harry’s psychological journey, his mental Belly of the Whale. This is Harry’s chance to come to terms with what happened and what is happening and what will happen– to mature, to grow into himself, to prepare himself for what is coming.

This is a book about illusions and reality. As Cornelius Fudge was trying so desparately to maintain his illusion that Voldemort had not returned, so Harry was trying desparately to maintain his illusion that Hogwarts was impenetrable, that Dumbledore could do no wrong, that Sirius was best friend and father rolled into one, that his own father was perfect, that the wizarding world was full of superhumans instead of just plain humans. If Harry was to be ready for what was coming, those illusions had to fail. His own illusions about himself had to be swept away.

In many ways, this book stands in the same place as The Empire Strikes Back does in the Star Wars Saga. In Empire, Luke has to some to terms with his past and his destiny. He has to learn about himself and about the world around him. He makes mistakes, mistakes that affect not only him but those around him. It’s a dark tale, without a happy ending. In fact, there are many, many unanswered questions at the end of Empire.

I’ll admit that Sirius’ death was a shock. And in many ways it seems pointless. There were so many missed opportunities, so many small ways in which it could have been prevented. Sirius’ death serves much the same purpose as Cedric’s, except it’s effect is more personal for Harry. It shows once again Voldemort’s ruthlessness, and that Cedric’s death wasn’t a fluke. This is a war. Death in war is senseless. Most people don’t die in heroic actions in war. Sirius didn’t die saving Harry’s life– he just died. Harry needs to get used to that idea.

I hate Umbridge. I take great umbrage at Umbridge. Jerk.

Dumbledore is still cool. He made a mistake, yes. He made several mistakes. But he’s still a super-powerful wizard, who calls Voldemort “Tom” to his face. And he cares about Harry. Really cares.

McGonagall and Neville both ROX my SOX. Ginny is just exactly like I knew she would be.

Harry was angry in this book. He deserved to be angry, I think. Plus he spent the whole book being manipulated by Voldemort. Who knows but what some of his emotions were not entirely his own? I still love the dear boy. He’s going to be much better in the next ones, I’m sure.

Hmm. I’m still finding it hard to find words for my emotions. Let’s just say that I really, really liked this book. I’m excited to see what JKR will do next. Very excited.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 siriusnutter // Jun 23, 2003 at 8:55 pm

    I was just on AP and someone pointed out to me that JKR didn’t say what spell was cast at Sirius and the flash of light was red and not green. quite personally she is my new best freind I have been in denial for almost 3 days. but here is what I must believe in order to completely love this book because sirius’ death was the only thing I really hated. ( He is not dead. He is just “beyond the veil.” whatever that means.) but he will be back

    as I said before I HATE UMBRIDGE!!!!!!! :P

  • 2 laura // Jun 24, 2003 at 10:53 am

    Was wondering where you were. Rereading the book were we? {G} I liked the book and so far, I haven’t found anyone who has not liked it. It definitely isn’t like the others and I like that JKR is not afraid to shake things up a bit. How did you like Ginny? I think she is coming along quite well. The only person who got to me was the Umbridge. I was ready to reach into the book, snatch her out and throw her against the wall. I would say this book is alot about how power can be used and how it corrupts. Oh, I could go on, but this comment box doesnt’ have enough room {G}. I love that Harry has discovered he can teach. Does anyone else think that Harry will be tutored by Dumbledore next book?

    More thoughts later. Need tea now.

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