Bit of Ivory

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March 16th, 2005 · No Comments

Just had a root canal. Not my favorite experience ever. Although, in terms of pain and suffering, this doesn’t come close to some of my dental procedures. The worst was during the process of getting my new bridge and caps done. They gave me some novacaine that was supposed to last a shorter time, because I was supposed to go back to school and they didn’t want me numbed up all day. Well, the novacaine lasted for only a short time, all right– a total of, oh, 15 minutes. All feeling came back after they’d taken my old caps off and left my front 5 teeth exposed. That hurt like hell (and since I try not to swear, that’s saying a lot). I was crying, it hurt so bad. They ended up giving me another shot of the regular novacaine, and everything went fine after that (although I ended up being numbed for *hours*), but boy– that was bad. The root canal, with its few moments of intense cold and pain and the dull ache I’m now left with is relatively harmless.

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Tags: Life