Okay, so I got distracted after GG. So sue me.
I liked it, incidentally. I haven’t liked some of them this season, but this one was good. I couldn’t get excited about the Dean comforting Rory action (and for ONCE in their LIVES the promos didn’t completely lie), ’cause I know Dean is history, dude, but the Luke comforting Lorelai scene? *sigh* I wish I could screencap him holding her like he did. Was precious.
Still don’t like Jason.
In other news, Kirk’s visit was so much fun! It mostly revolved around food, which is not a bad thing. We ate gelato, walked around Temple Square, took TRAX over to the Gateway and got white hot chocolate from European Connection, went to the Clark Planetarium, and just basically goofed around downtown until about 4, when Lilac’s kids got cranky (but they were still cute!). Then I took Kirk out to my place, and we ended up getting in the car again and checking out Wahleecon venues.
Kirk was impressed with Jordan Commons, which is always a good sign. We went to dinner at Tio’s, chilled at my house for a while, and then I drove him to the airport. Was sad to see him go.
But June is closer than it seems! Is only 15 weekends away.
Oh, and Kirk, it might interest you to know that we got a lot of wind today, which pretty much blew out the inversion. You can see both sets of mountains now.
I called the BYU payroll office today, because I still haven’t recieved my W-2 from them. I’ve gotten them from Deseret Book and the state, so I was waiting on BYU to do my taxes and get my REFUND!!! Turns out they sent it to my old apartment address, even though I changed my mailing address to home before I even graduated. Idiots. Anyway, one of my former roommates sent it back to them, so they had it. I gave them my correct address, and they sent it out. Must. Get. Money.
I’ve got my job interview tomorrow, and then Kate and I are going out to lunch, and I think Jen is coming too. I’ll post after lunch and let you know how it went.
Must sleep now.
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