I dreamed about Orlando Bloom last night. Mmmm. And Peter Jackson, actually. It was a very good dream.
It started out with me and Jen at some kind of fantasy convention, and Orlando was working the crowd. He stopped and chatted with us for quite a while. I didn’t have my camera with me, so I asked him if I could get a picture with him the next day, and he said absolutely, he’d keep an eye out for me. I was thrilled.
Then the dream changed a little bit. Jen and I went back to where we were staying, which was the house I lived in when I was five. The Olympics were going on here in Salt Lake, and we were participating in some kind of program where you got to be in a celebrity’s group for them. We were in Peter Jackson’s group, which was cool enough, but he decided to take us up the canyon to where they were filming a new movie with Orlando. It looked a lot like Lothlorien, actually. Anyway, we all stood to the side while what I’m assuming is the second unit finished filming a scene in a small pond. Orlando was in it, shirtless (I think this dream is Angua’s fault, for showing me all those shirtless pics of Orlando yesterday), and after filming was over he came to the edge of the pond and talked with all of us in the group (which now included Angua, strangely enough). He spent extra time with me, because he recognized me from the convention earlier, and we spent a few seconds looking deeply into each others’ eyes.
As he made his way through our group another one of the girls kissed him suddenly, and he said “thank you,” which made me wish that I had done it.
The dream went on for a bit, with different behind-the-scenes people from the movie chatting with us, but Orlando didn’t show up again before I woke up. Still, not a bad way to start off the morning.
Okay, done with silliness. On to source checking.
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