Lots of good things happened today!
- I got my TLC shirt, complete with a message from Mellie and Megan on the back of the envelope! I felt so special.
- More cards! So far I’ve gotten them from , , , , , , , and . I don’t think I forgot anyone.
even included a Sexy Elf Boy and Gimli bookmark! Thank you, Kirk!!!
- I got called into work, so I got a bit more cash coming in. Was fun to hear my manager complain as much as the rest of us. I don’t blame him for the problems we’ve been having. It’s coming from higher up.
- After work, I went shopping, and ran into my creative writing teacher from high school. She was one of my favorite teachers, and I haven’t seen her in a long time, so that was a lot of fun.
- Went down to B. Dalton, which is going out of business, and therefore is selling all its stock at 40% off. Got lots of good deals.
- Got to talk to , which always makes a day good.
Hmm. Is that it? Yeah, I guess so. I’m still on a high from RotK. Can’t wait to see it again tomorrow night.
Now I need to study for the GRE, though.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Laura // Dec 18, 2003 at 8:33 pm
Ohhh deals at a bookstore…yeah! Can you say what you got or are they to be wrapped for blog readers? {G}
2 Lou // Dec 18, 2003 at 9:11 pm
Yep, thats right. Go see it again. See if I care.
3 Siriusnutter // Dec 23, 2003 at 7:45 pm
ohhhhh!!!!!! I must go down there after I get paid on Friday.
So many books so little time 
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