Holiday cards are DONE. Unless anyone else wants one?
I got a lovely package from Lou today! It included a Harry Potter towel and a pretty sparkly box that she says I’m not allowed to open until Christmas. That is SO not fair. Apparently there is another one coming as well. I love getting fun stuff in the mail!
Working at Deseret Book would be ever so much easier if I didn’t have to deal with stupid customers all day.
I am insanely jealous of Connielane. But I asked for next Wednesday off! Whoot! I already have my tickets, too. They are in my purse as I type.
Lots of you need hugs. And chocolate. I recommend lots and lots of chocolate.
Went to the chiropractor again this morning, and did some weight training in his basement. He wants me to exercise this week, and check me again on Friday. I had a bit of pain yesterday. The chairs and pews in our chapel aren’t the most comfortable things in the world. He doesn’t charge for using his exercise room, though.
I’m going to be cutting down on my online time in the next few weeks. Not only will I be working a lot, but that GRE is coming up awfully fast. I need to spend at least two hours a day studying. I’ll still check LJ and blogs and answer emails and try to keep the discussion on P&P at SQ going (and why aren’t some of you contributing?), but I won’t be on IMing programs much.
5 responses so far ↓
1 Leslie // Dec 9, 2003 at 4:29 am
Well, it’s probably because I have never read “Pride and Prejudice”. *Runs away*
2 Laura // Dec 9, 2003 at 9:32 am
It’s ok Leslie. I didn’t read “Pride and Prejudice” until I was, um, 34 years old {G}. You have seen the mini series right??!!
3 Leslie // Dec 9, 2003 at 1:56 pm
um, no… I did see a really cute Wishbone episode once.
4 Laura // Dec 10, 2003 at 9:38 am
I have seen that Wishbone! It is cute!
(Runs and ducks from Emily)
5 Emily // Dec 10, 2003 at 5:50 pm
Dude, that Wishbone episode was the first experience I had with P&P. Well, that I remember. I saw the old Greer Garson/ Laurence Olivier version when I was a kid, but didn’t remember it at all. Somehow, though, the Wishbone episode made me think that Jane and Bingley were the main couple. I think I missed one of the segments the first time I saw it. I was surprised when it all turned out to be about Lizzy and Darcy.
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