Good News: I now have Ginny BAX, relatively unscathed (as far as I can tell). Would do happy dance of joy if I didn’t have her on my lap. I can now IM while upstairs, in bed, watching TV, anywhere I want.
Bad News: My Y!M is acting up so badly that there’s almost no point in trying to talk to anyone.
2 responses so far ↓
1 siriusnutter // Sep 19, 2003 at 10:57 am
I am glad that you got Giny bax. I just wanted to know if you have heard form Jen as I have sent her emails and called her and haven’t heard anything in a week. The last I heard from her was that she was sick and it isn’t like her not to answer my emails.
and no emily the Anne Elliot thing doesn’t suprize me at all. (well maybe just a very little bit :p )
~Siriusnutter :p
2 Jen // Sep 20, 2003 at 4:36 pm
Yea! Ginny is bax!!! Does this mean that I’ll get chapter six sometime before the end of the month? Please!!! (I’m willing to offer incentives if neccessary! I’m thinking my famous fresh rolls
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