2 days of working can really wear you out. It wasn’t so bad yesterday even though it was an 8-hour shift. But today was interminable. I wanted to be at home at about 3:30, which was *really* bad considering that I started at 3:00. I didn’t even want to read very much, which I can usually do when we’re slow. I was thinking near the end that the sound of the register printing out a credit card reciept will forever be etched in my memory. The evening was broken up only by one of my old high-school friends coming in to buy a present for her father. I’ve worked at Deseret Book for more than 3 years now, and tonight was the first time I’ve felt like if I never go back again I wouldn’t care.
I’d really miss the discount, though.
I *did* get another plot bunny, so the night wasn’t entirely wasted. This is a short one, I think– something I can polish off while trying to get research and background done of my Dumbledore fic.
On Monday I need to sit down without distractions and do some sirius work on that editing job. Education Week starts on Tuesday, and I won’t get any time to do it during Ed Week. I really don’t want to leave this thing any longer. So instead of sitting in front of the TV, I’m going to stay in my room. Instead of keeping my eye on my LJ friend’s page, I’m going to take my wireless network card out. I think that, without distractions, I can finish Romans. (I’m editing a commentary on the writings of Paul in the New Testament). The next bit, 1 Corinithians, is the longest section– almost twice as long as Romans. After that there’s 3 more sections, each about half as long as Romans. So I really need to get going on this thing.
One thing it’s taught me, though, is that I don’ t have the self-discipline to be a freelance *anything.* I need more structure.
And now, I’m going to bed.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Leslie // Aug 17, 2003 at 5:56 am
It’s not self discipline, it’s perseption. In your mind, freelance=homework which then = procrastination. Somehow you need to get your mind around freelance=money=more free time.

2 laura // Aug 17, 2003 at 1:00 pm
I was thinking perception too. You know you have Deseret to fall back on (at least in the back of your mind). At least that is they way it works with me {G} Good luck on the job application you turned in this week. When will you hear?
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