I’ve been absent from my blog for quite a long while, I see. I didn’t really mean it to happen that way. Oh, well.
My reunion Saturday was a blast. I was quite surprised to find out how many of my classmates were married. The vast majority of those who came seemed to be, if not married, then at least engaged. Anywhere outside of Utah I’m sure this would be the exception rather than the rule, but we Mormons tend to marry young. I was one of the few who had already graduated from college, as well.
I spent a lot of the reunion being led around by my best friend’s almost-3-year-old daughter, who seemed to decide that *I* was her mommy that day. Nicole’s husband had to work, or he could have kept an eye on her, but since he wasn’t around I got the job. Not that I really minded much– Rosie is an adorable little girl. And it’s nice to be appreciated, even if it is as someone who can go on the slides with a 3-year-old.
It seems incredible to me that it’s already been five years, but it was even stranger to see so many faces that were once so familiar. I used to see these people every day; now it was all I could do to find out where they were going to school, or how long they had been married, or how old their baby was. *sigh* Everything changes.
I finished reading The Grand Sophy on Sunday, and read the entirety of Sylvester today. I must say that I’m enjoying Georgette Heyer every bit as much as Angua said I would. It’s really too bad that she’s been categorized as a romance author, because her books are really more comedic than romantic. At least, the ones I’ve read so far are.
Anyway, that’s why I’ve been away from blog lately. I’ve been too busy reading Heyer.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Leslie // Aug 12, 2003 at 7:59 pm
I manged to go to my ten year reunion, but sadly none of the people I hung out with showed so it was realllly boring for me. Glad you had a good time at yours.
2 Lou // Aug 16, 2003 at 7:03 am
You have plunty of time for marrage and stuff! I didn’ get married untill I was 22 and had Robert at 24. I had also graduated from UofM and gotten my wild college days out of the way. Going to school while your married and have a new family is very difficult. Just aks Duane. He hated it. And I’m sure it would have been worse if I hadn’t written half his papers.
Maturity and marrage are a good combanation.
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