Bit of Ivory

Bit of Ivory random header image


August 12th, 2003 · 10 Comments

Alright, EVERYONE needs to go to Fox News. The photos on this article are. . .well. . . Just look at the caption on the bottom photo. Think about it for a second. *dies some more*


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August 12th, 2003 · No Comments

Haikus made from my LJ/BLog: My first attempt: along the way we have in canon snape is not surprising it was This one’s very profound, methinks: to live stealing one of the fandom it would turn itself off even I think this one’s my favorite, though: up we were going to start saving now for […]


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Weekend Redux

August 12th, 2003 · 2 Comments

I’ve been absent from my blog for quite a long while, I see. I didn’t really mean it to happen that way. Oh, well. My reunion Saturday was a blast. I was quite surprised to find out how many of my classmates were married. The vast majority of those who came seemed to be, if […]


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