I was going to put this off until Wednesday, but I just can’t help myself.
I’m going to be on the Today show.
Yes, *that* Today show.
My whole family is, actually.
Do any of you remember seeing this or this on the Leaky Cauldron? Well, I did, and sent in an e-mail. On Thursday, I got one back, asking for a photo of me and my sibs in our costumes, and asking for more details. I sent him this, and on Saturday he e-mailed me back, asking if he could call me yesterday and talk about it in-depth.
They’re coming on Wednesday to film.
Consequently, I’m frantically cleaning my room, and we’re all frantically cleaning the rest of the house.
But the segment will air on Saturday.
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3 responses so far ↓
1 Leslie // Jun 16, 2003 at 6:50 pm
NO WAYYYY!!! Too cool!!
2 laura // Jun 16, 2003 at 8:38 pm
I confess, I had wondered if you emailed the journalist
Way cool! You will understand if I set a tape for the Today show, since I will be either be sleeping in from the midnight book run or actually reading the book! This is so exciting!!!
P.S. …. LOVE the Inigo Montoya quote
3 dan // Jun 18, 2003 at 6:18 pm
Wow. I was at BYU when the last book came out and got to read it from a little after midnight to around 3am but that was because a girl I was friends with waited in line to get it at the bookstore. I’ll probably wait to read it until someone I know has the book.
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