I didn’t update until now. I was too tired last night to post. First I’d like to say thank you, thank you, thank you, to all who wished me Happy Birthday. It really meant a lot to me.
I had a pretty good birthday, considering. I wasn’t up to the marathon I had last year, so it was basically a quiet birthday at home. I read Bujold for most of the morning, and went to East Coast Subs for lunch, which I’ve been craving for quite a while. Hmm. Read Bujold again in the afternoon. Dad barbequed steak for dinner, which I was actually able to eat. After dinner I went to Blockbuster and rented Tuck Everlasting, which my parents and brother had never seen. After blowing out the three candles on my Backer’s birthday cake (chocolate with raspberry filling), we watched the movie. Then I went to bed, Ginny in hand, and ended up chatting with for about 2 hours, with a couple of conversations with and Jen in between. Also caught up with all the LJ and blog entries I’d missed throughout the day, and filtered through all the AtE list messages (boy, that list has been active, especially since there hasn’t been a new chapter). So, not too exciting, but still enjoyable.
Read more Bujold today, which is why I didn’t blog earlier. Have now finished Borders of Infinity, and would like to start Brothers in Arms, but it’s the only book I couldn’t get when I checked them out. It’s there now, though, so I’ll go get it tomorrow, and take back the books I’ve already read.
Just got back from What a Girl Wants. Will definitely be buying that movie. Colin Firth is entirely too cute in it. Well, he’s entirely too cute period, but he’s especially cute in this flick. I’m willing to put up with Amanda Bynes for the sheer joy of seeing Colin in leather trousers, dancing in front of a mirror. Wahoo!
Am turning in an application for my coveted job at the BYU library tomorrow. Wish me luck.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Teri // Jun 6, 2003 at 2:41 pm
Happy Birthday!
2 laura // Jun 6, 2003 at 7:53 pm
Happy Birthday!
It sounded like a lovely day. When do you hope to hear from the job application?
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