Lou just sent me a nasty e-mail saying she’s worried. I’ve been feeling better, but not much up to typing. You see, it requires sitting up for more than 5 min. at a time, which is still difficult for me.
My fever went down the same day I got it. I’ve had a slightly elevated temp since, but nothing like that day. Wednesday, was it? Or maybe Thursday. Days are getting blurry, much like this screen. Can’t hold out much longer.
Anyway, am slowly recovering. I’m feeling overall better than my first few days, but my actual throat has been hurting a lot more lately. I’ve had a small amount of bleeding, but nothing too serious as of yet. Mostly I’ve been sleeping. I wake up long enough to take my pain medication and eat a little, then it’s back to beddy-bye. Haven’t even been able to read a lot, as moving my eyes that fast makes me dizzy. Is v. sad.
Will update again soon.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Leslie // May 26, 2003 at 7:18 am
Hang in there!
2 Lou // May 26, 2003 at 9:58 am
Nasty! I was very worried you brat.
Sites are slow right now. Nothing to read anyway. I think we are all waiting for the 21st.
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