I FOUND IT!! *jumps up and down*
IFL 3– it was on one of my disks. Don’t know why I saved it on a disk instead of on Ginny herself, but I guess I did. You don’t know how happy this makes me. It was *hard* writing that last section–it was already my 3rd or 4th time through, which considering how little I revise as I write, is saying something–and I didn’t really relish the idea of having to write it again– which is one reason why I kept putting off writing. But now that I know where it is, I’ll work on it on Sunday or Monday. I’ll be able to write all sorts of stuff after next week, since I’ll be down with my tonsils out. Having a laptop will be very convenient, although I’ll want to get a wireless network card for it. Hopefully I’ll finish most of the story, and can get it betaed and posted by the June 21st. Wouldn’t that be great?
Work today was– tiring. My feet are really starting to feel the strain of 8-hour days standing up, although I’ve tried to treat them with TLC when I get home. We were a lot busier today than the last few days, which is nice. Time goes mush faster when we’re busy. Tomorrow should be very hectic, since it’s the day before Mother’s Day. Other than Christmas, I’d say the day before Mother’s Day is our biggest day of the year. We get a lot of sales for Father’s Day as well, but it’s much more spread out because on the whole, women shop earlier than men. Tomorrow we’ll get all the husbands and sons who wait until the very last minute to buy their wives and mothers a gift. At least most of the stuff we sell has some meaning. A book says more than a blender, for example.
My brother went to Phoenix yesterday, rather unexpectedly. You see, Deseret Book (yes, Ben works for them too, in the internet department) sponsors these conferences called Time Out, where famous authors and speakers go to some of the places where there are a reasonable number of members of the Church, but who don’t usually get the really cool speakers. The internet crew did a lot of work on the ticketing for these events. Anyway, this weekend there was a Time Out for Women scheduled in Phoenix, and due to some mistake, there were two tickets sent out for every ticket ordered, which meant that there were 6,000 tickets out there for a 3,000 seat venue. Ben and his crewmates were called upon to sort it out. So they drove to Phoenix yesterday. He took SS and CoS on tape with him. If I hadn’t been working at the store, I could have gone with him.
Oh, well.
Other news will have to come later. I need to go to bed.
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