I’m typing this entry from Ginny II. She’s lovely. I’ve been getting all my settings the way I want them. First thing I did was download Mozilla. Second thing I did was download Trillian.
Before I switched her off last night I got a nice Ginny image for my wallpaper. I just switched XP away from the Fisher-Price default theme and back to classic Windows. All those colors are annoying.
Today instead of a usual devotional or forum we had what’s called the Unforum, which is basically like a high school assembly. The theme this year was the Not-So Late Show, since it took place at 11:00 AM. The best part about it was the commercial breaks they showed on the jumbotron.
The first one was a play on those compilation CD infomercials we’ve all seen so much of. We’ve got a carillon tower that plays at the hours and half-hours, as well as random concerts with a person actually at the keyboard. Well, the commercial was for a “Bell Tower Mega Jam” compilation, with everything on there from YMCA to Aaron Carter. They actually got someone to play a few sample songs. It was hilarious.
The second commercial was a guy standing in front of a mirror rubbing his jawline. Overdubbing that was the voices of girls saying “scruffy men are so HOT!” It would probably help those of you unfamiliar with BYU’s honor code to know that guys have to be cleanshaven. Well, the guy took a big swig of BYU Creamery milk and got himself a nice milk mustache. Then we got the “Got Milk?” thing and an addendum– “Milk– the only BYU-approved facial hair.”
The best one, though, was the last one. This one requires your knowing that our student ID’s double as a debit account called Signature Card. You can use it to make copies, print from computer labs, buy food in the Cougareat, and basically anything else that takes money on campus. It showed a guy walking around campus buying things, like “Vending machine breath mints, $.65″ and “Dinner in the Skyroom restaurant, $20.” Finally it showed the guy and his date up by the bell tower, and it said “The Bell Tower Experience. . .priceless. There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else– there’s Signature Card.”
LOL. Seriously.
1 response so far ↓
1 Jen // Apr 15, 2003 at 4:13 pm
Just to add a bit to the wonderful Un-forum, the CD of the bell tower playing is available for 3 easy payments of $24.99. Also, the guy purchasing things with his Signature Card ended up “snogging” at the Bell Tower. (Of course, the actual “snog” was conviently hidden behind the picture of the beautiful Signature card.
I wish I could get a copy of the whole “Not So” Late Show.
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