I’m at work currently, but today’s the only day this week that I have to work– Hurrah! I actually get a real vacation! I’ll finally have time to set Harry back up (he’s been sitting in a crate in our sewing room since I moved home), and maybe even write some fanfic. I’ll definitely have time to beta chapters 4 & 5 of Retrospection for Jen, and to write my proposal for the Nimbus convention. I’m also going to see The Two Towers tomorrow (finally!), and Chamber of Secrets (again!) on New Year’s (at least, that’s the current plan– I’ll have to chex it out with Nicole, who is the main reason I’m going to CoS again anyway– well, at least ostensibly. )
My dad has made a major step in accepting the Nimbus thing– he offered to look up his frequent flyer miles, to see if there were enough for a ticket to Orlando. After he offered, I said “Does that mean I can go?” “I didn’t say that,” he replied.
Although I think that’s more just reluctance to admit anything than any real opposition to the scheme. I think they’re mostly worried about me being able to afford it than anything else. But I really think I will be able to. Hooray!
Emily’s going to Orlando!
Oh, and I’ve learned a new rule– Emily’s First Rule of Colds:
When all else fails, use nose spray.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Eliz/Lou // Dec 31, 2002 at 8:01 am
Second rule of colds. Don’t over use the nose spray. Something called a rebound effect can occure causing the nasle membrains to swell making breathing worse than before.
Leslie??? Are you going???? Its the only way Emily will room with me because I can’t ditch Duane. He actually told me he was looking forward to going. Truth be told, thats just the Disney junkie talking not a Potterhead.
2 laura // Dec 31, 2002 at 10:11 am
Hi Emily,
I have been trying to email you and the mail gets bounced
Here is a link to an interview that NPR did and they talked to the folks at Sugar Quill!
Glad you are feeling better! Just what is going to happen in Orlando?
3 Emily // Dec 31, 2002 at 10:50 pm
Laura, thanks for the link. I actually knew that was there, but I’ve had trouble downloading it until tonight. Isn’t that the coolest? The e-mails might be bouncing because I have over 200 messages to download.
Harry’s back up and running, but for some reason the modem doesn’t want to connect, so I’ve had to use my webmail client this whole time. My dad thinks he might be able to fix it tomorrow.
Oh, and in July there’s going to be a Harry Potter Convention in Orlando. Elizabeth and I are planning on attending, and I’m even going to write a paper for it with a professor friend of mine. I’m quite excited about it.
Elizabeth, I know about the overuse of nose spray thing. My dad has been addicted to it for years. That’s why it’s “When all else fails.” I try everything else, but when I can’t get any relief, I turn to nose spray. I only use it for a few days at most.
Yeah, Leslie– ARE YOU COMING?!?!?!
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