Yup, that would be me. My contract job with WGU wasn’t working out (mainly because I hardly ever did any actual work, what with being so unscheduled and all, and because it was boring as all get-out), and since the beginning of the year I’ve been looking into regular part-time jobs. I did have a few caveats– I didn’t want to work on Sundays, and I wanted to have a job that, while keeping me busy, wasn’t so mind-numbingly boring that I’d have trouble pulling my brains together to write, but also wasn’t so thought-intensive that I came home mentally exhausted. So, that left me with, basically, customer service, general office work (NOT exclusively data entry– been there, done that, drove me batty), retail (if they didn’t make me work on Sundays), or receptionist.
I tried retail first– applied at a couple of locations of Deseret Book, which I had worked for before– and even had an interview at one, but nothing came of it. So then I went to Utah’s Workforce Services website and, after a couple of days of looking around for what was available, what looked interesting, and what I was actually qualified for, I updated my resume (which hadn’t been done since 2004, as I’ve been using my c.v. to apply to most of my other jobs lately. But the kinds of jobs I’m applying for now could care less about my publication credits, so. :P) and sent it out to about 7 companies on Monday. On Tuesday, one of them called me back. I went in for an interview yesterday, and was told that they were very interested in me, and to expect a call for a second interview either that day or today. This morning I got that call, and went in for said interview this afternoon, where I was offered the job. I have to go into the staffing company that they were working through either tomorrow or Monday to fill out paperwork, and then orientation is Tuesday.
So what am I doing? I am now a part-time receptionist at the New Life Centers, an eating disorder clinic here in Salt Lake City. I’ll be making $10 an hour, and working 20 hours a week.
And I’m quite excited about it.
And sorry for not updating in so long. I went through a very rough patch, both school-wise and with life in general, at the end of the year that I still don’t feel like talking about much, but I’m getting better. Onward and upward, right?
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