Shortly after we moved into the house we’re in now–nearly 20 years ago–I was playing with my brother’s action figures. He had some cool ones– a Skeletor whose chest showed damage when you punched it, an Orco that spun around when you pulled out the little plastic cord, and a Yoda figurine, among others. I was playing with at least the Yoda and the Orco, which of course needed a flat surface. Since I was in the basement, which is mostly carpeted, I found myself sitting in our hallway just outside the furnace room (more of a hallway, really, except that it doesn’t go anywhere), making use of its concrete floor. I started Orco on his merry spinning way, and spin he did– right into Ben’s Yoda figurine. Yoda went spinning, too– right behind the furnace. I brought out the flashlight and the yardstick and searched, but to no avail. Yoda was lost. Ben was mad.
Fast forward until today.
At 8:30 this morning, Welch’s Heating and Air Conditioning showed up to begin the process of replacing our old furnace, which has been dying slowly, and installing a new central air conditioning system to replace our swamp cooler. “Maybe they’ll find Yoda,” I joked. I went off to work, not thinking much about it.
About an hour later, my mom called. Yoda, lost for 20 years, had been recovered. He was very dusty, but otherwise unharmed. He even still had his little utility belt.
The Force looks after its own, apparently.
And I am forgiven.