So I just spent the last 2 hours cleaning my room so Pam doesn’t realize what a slob I am when she arrives a week from today (YAY!!). I even steam-cleaned my carpet *gasp!* but I haven’t dusted everything yet. All my books are on my shelves, though. Except for the 10 or so that are still upstairs in my cubby.
So what else have I been doing for the last week? Being sick, mostly. It actually started on Thursday night, but I wasn’t about to miss out on Pirates, so I worked through it. Unfortunately, it didn’t go away. So what are my symptoms? I can just sense all of your curiosity. Well, basically, it’s all in my head. I’ve been feeling dizzy and lightheaded, with periodic headaches. Standing up has been an adventure, and walking even more so. I’ve gradually been getting better, so that I can accomplish things, but for about the first 5 days I couldn’t do much else but lay on the couch all day. I made it out of the house on Wednesday to see Pirates again, but was pretty much done for the rest of the day (except for a short trip to Barnes and Noble where I scared my sister by my inability to drive straight), managed to go shopping on Thursday and watch a movie with my sister and grandma (she hadn’t seen Narnia yet), and yesterday I washed my car, including steam-cleaning the upholstery, and did a bit more shopping (I was looking for new shirts). I between all of this getting-stuff-done I’ve spent a goodly portion on the couch.
I’ve actually started writing my paper for Lumos. Go me!
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