Considering that at about this time last year I was bawling my eyes out, the first week of school has gone pretty well. First there’s the job (which I haven’t started yet, but still), and just knowing that I have a way to earn money this semester that will look good on my resume and give me a heckuva lot of great experience makes me happy.
Then there’s my classes. I’m taking the British Mystery Novel, in which we’re reading such things as Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles, Dorothy Sayers’s Strong Poison, and Anne Perry’s The Cater Street Hangman.
The reading schedule is going to be extremely light, and all the assignments sound like a lot of fun. So that’s good.
My other class is Research in Rhetoric, where we’re doing a survey of research methods used in the rhetoric and composition area. I’m the only person in the class (all 5 of us) who isn’t a rhetoric and comp major, or at least a English 115 teacher, so they have some practical applications for such a study. Me, not so much. I still think it’ll be good, though. I can always store the knowledge away for future use when I am a teacher. And who knows? Maybe I’ll figure out some new cool way to do research for literature.
And then I have thesis hours. This is the one area where I’m worried. Because I haven’t submitted my prospectus, you see. And I really need to. I’m going to spend most of the weekend reading Tolkien criticism, and I’m meeting with Dr. Walker on Tuesday, so hopefully I can get it in by the add/drop deadline. Once my prospectus is in, you see, I can take 3 thesis hours rather than 2, which would bring my total hours up to 9. Which is a good number.
I’ve already got my homework done for Tuesday, which is unheard of. So go me.
First BYU football game of the season tomorrow. Go Cougs.
Thoughts and prayers going out to those affected by Katrina. It’s all so horrible.